Lower back pain and hip pain stretches

Lower back pain unfortunately is very common; in fact, most adults experience it at some point in their life. It can be extremely debilitating and limit us from living, working, playing, and simply enjoying our days. Lower back pain and hip pain are commonly inter-related since they are right next to each other in the kinetic chain.

Here are a couple lower back and hip stretching and mobilizing techniques that are commonly used to release these areas.

Follow these simple tips for stretching and myofascial release to get the most out of your stretch session.

Hip flexor stretch

Kneel with your hip and ear stacked above your knee. Shift your weight forward, keeping your head and chest facing forward, not down. Hold the stretch or slowly move from the starting position into the stretch to create a mobilizer.

Illustration showing woman transitioning between the first and second position of the hip flexor stretch.

Move from the starting position to the second position to mobilize this hip flexor stretch

Internal/external rotator mobilizers

Start out sitting on the floor with your feet hip width apart. Place your hands behind you on the floor for stability and support.

Shift both knees to the same side as far as they go. Let your eyes follow your knees. Shift back to the starting position and then to the other side.

Move between the stretch positions to mobilize.

Illustration of a woman moving through the three positions of the internal/external rotator mobilizer stretch.

Use a smooth motion to transition between stretch positions for this rotator mobilizer

Lateral line mobilizer

Start standing up straight. Shift your weight and hips to the right and reach to the left. Try to open up the right side of the body as much as you can. Let your head tilt to the left side as you reach. Shift back to standing straight, then transition to the other side.

You should feel this stretch all along the side of your body, from your fingertips down to your feet.

Illustration of a woman moving between the two positions of the lateral line mobilizer stretch.

This lateral line mobilizer stretches the line of muscle all the way from your fingers to your toes

These techniques can release tension, but in order to truly treat the problem, one must reduce the original actions that are leading to the pain, such as posture while sitting, laying, sleeping, and standing.

Contact me to get started on managing your lower back and hip pain today.


Foot pain stretches and massage techniques


Quick tips to get the most out of stretching and myofascial release